Essential Things A Divorce Lawyer Helps With In A No-Fault Divorce Situation

Getting divorced is a whole lot easier now than it was just a few decades ago. The process is usually a lot faster, and states have made it easier to enter what is known as a no-fault divorce. This is where both parties are citing irreconcilable differences and have fully resolved any issues between them. Some people make the mistake in a no-fault divorce to not hire an attorney, however, and that's not a good idea. There are some essential benefits to using an attorney in a divorce with few or no issues.

Initial Legal Consultation

Many lawyers will offer a free legal consultation upfront to determine whether or not you qualify for a no-fault divorce. The important reason to do this is so a lawyer can evaluate all of the aspects of your family and financial circumstances to determine if your divorce may require more involved legal representation. It's good to discuss any agreements you may currently have with your spouse and gain a legal perspective on how those agreements could affect you down the road if your circumstances change. This is particularly important if you have kids or financial issues.

Get All Your Paperwork Done Right

While many states offer no-fault divorce packets that can be filled out online, this can also be a source of legal pitfalls. Getting the paperwork done right with the proper legal language and safeguards protects your interests now and in the future. Your lawyer will prepare all of the paperwork and gather any pertinent data that must be attached for the judge to sign off on your divorce. When the paperwork is done properly, a divorce can be done in a matter of weeks in some areas. There may be an education class you and your spouse need to attend before your paperwork can be reviewed. Your lawyer will help you meet every requirement of the law.

Mediation May Be Necessary

While most people coming to a lawyer for a no-fault divorce may think they have all of their issues resolved, sometimes that changes. If a big issue appears, then your lawyer can help you with any mediation. Sometimes, that's just a matter of calling your spouse's lawyer and discussing a resolution, and other times that may mean hiring a mediator. Mediation can be a great alternative to going to court, and it quite often results in a mediation agreement that can be used to make an order for the divorce.

While everyone wants a cordial divorce outcome, it's always best to make sure you have all of your legal bases covered. A lawyer will keep your interests protected, and you'll feel much better about your divorce outcome.

Reach out to a divorce lawyer for more information.

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About Me

From Divorce to Adoption: Family Law What do family lawyers really do? Most people know that they help clients in divorce proceedings, but this is only a small piece of their job. These attorneys also help draft custody arrangements, create adoption contracts, formulate prenuptial agreements, and designate alternative guardianship of kids in situations of abuse. As you can probably guess, working as a family lawyer requires tact, compassion, and an endless drive to do good. We are passionate about the work that these attorneys do, which is why we chose to write about that work on this blog. Our hope is that in reading these articles, you will also develop an improved understanding of family law.


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